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The traditional method for a reading is the reader is intuits the energy surrounding the client at the moment of the reading in order to read their past, present and future. From there, the reader will extrapolate what direction the client is based on where they are at in the moment, and how much momentum is behind them in going a particular direction in their life. Traditional readings usually include using Tarot or other types of divination cards, or some other divination tool such as tea leaves, runes and more.
An Angel reading specifically is where the practitioner connects directly with your Higher Self, Guides and Angels in order to bring through intuitive guidance and information. The practitioner may or may not use tools such as Angel Oracle cards, pendulum, muscle testing, psychometry, etc.
Candice comes from the point of view healing for the highest good of her clients.
Angel readings with Candice will focus on the issues which require healing, what is helping and hindering in achieving goals/ dreams, rather than simply "fortune telling" your past, present and future.
The cards merely are a starting point from which, more detailed information is translated directly from your guidance team.
Candice has an innate ability to hear or sense what your guides and higher self is wishing to get across to you, and to be able to translate those messages of love and healing in a way that will leave you feeling connected to your highest self.
She will often receive tools or techniques which will help you in your personal healing process, that you will be able to use on a daily basis. The perspectives offered in relation to your past, and present situation and future possibilities come from the perspective of healing as well as offering intuitive guidance. You will also receive appropriate healing and meditation techniques that will assist with you in your process.
Angel Readings give you the Power to Choose Your Reality and Change Your Future!
It is also important to mention that the future is not "written in stone" as many believe. You always have the choice to change it by making different choices. Candice's honest and straightforward approach will help you to gain clarity and insight on your questions, so that you can make better decisions.
One thing that must be noted is that getting a reading isn't about being told what you want to hear and then you just wait for things to unfold as the reader predicted. It's about taking responsibility for you own life, decisions and healing process.
Angel readings from Candice will always be truthful and honest with you, and only information that your guides deem that you are ready to hear will come through. If you are told something that you don't like, you always have the power to choose a different direction.
Getting Angel readings help you to take responsibility for Your Own Healing Process!
Ultimately, only YOU can take the steps that are required to change your life. Your guides can only give you insights that will help you get there. The healing process requires dedication, persistence and patience.
These are some of the many benefits of receiving an Angel reading. Once you have an idea of where you are heading, you can change your thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions that got you to where you are now, and consequently, change your future.
Angel healing is a spiritual healing method that involves working with a person’s Guides, Angels and Archangels to help one to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and Angels. The work can include an Angel and / or past life reading and various other techniques and visualizations in order to clear and release old patterns that are holding you back.
Whenever you experience that something isn’t working in your life, or any kind of physical or emotional pain, it’s a signal that something is out of balance and that you are choosing thoughts and actions based on your lower, fear-based self instead of your higher, love based self. Ego tries to tell us that we are separate from Creator, and that we are small and powerless. Using the techniques in this course give you tools to help shift you out of ego and into spirit and to also assist others do the same. Working with the Angels helps to restore your sense of connection and empowerment and brings ease, balance and peace into your life.
Candice's teacher was trained by Doreen Virtue, but also included her training in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in her courses. As a result, the combination of Angel healing and NLP with the visualizations and other techniques makes the work far more powerful than on it's own. Candice also combines her experience with Reiki and other healing modalities with her practice which adds significant more benefit to her clients.
Quantum physics is theorizes that our souls do not simply "blink out" of existence when we pass away, that we continue to exist outside of our physical bodies. Many psychologists have worked with clients and strongly believe that past lifetimes are real and do exist, and that we don't just live one lifetime. A past life reading taps into this in order to find out if what is holding you back in this lifetime has any connection to another lifetime so it may be released and healed. This is a channelled session where we will focus on areas of your life that aren't working or flowing in a harmonious way. Candice will "tune in" and find out from your guides and angels if the issues you are dealing have any connection to a past life. If this is the case, then Candice will ask if there are any details of that lifetime that are important to be revealed as sometimes it's helpful to know such details, but other times it may be detrimental. From there, Candice will choose the appropriate healing technique that will release and heal these past life experiences.
Thought Form Release
This technique will help to clear out any thoughts, beliefs (personal and societal), emotions, habits, experiences, fears, addictions, pains, judgments, worries, traumas, etc, that are holding the client back from moving forward in their life.
Because of how the law of attraction works, every thought or belief creates a bubble of energy that goes out into the world. Depending on how long these thought forms have been in place, and the intensity with which they are felt and believed, will determine how quickly and how solidly they will manifest into the physical.
We all have thought forms that do not serve our highest potential, and whether we are consciously aware we have them or not, they will still have an impact on what we manifest. This is a powerful tool to help clear out those thought forms so that they don’t end up sabotaging your goals and dreams from coming into form.
Cellular Memory Clearing
This visualization helps with clearing away any residuals of other clearings that have taken place, or anything else that requires a deep clearing. A cellular memory clearing can clear out residual fear based, lower energies, blockages, past memories, thoughts, beliefs – anything that does not serve the client. This process can clear lower energies right through to the DNA level and beyond, which can actually change the DNA.
Closing Akashic Records
You can access information by visiting the Akash in order to close a book or books with a person, lifetime, event, type of behavior, pattern, etc. Closing books in your records is a very powerful way to disconnect from these issues, so they no longer affect us in our present life, and what we attract into our lives. It’s kind of like rebooting the computer and erasing the cache – a kind of “wiping the slate clean” on an issue or relationship.
Chakra & Aura Cleanse & Balance
This technique will not only clear any lower energy from the chakras and aura, but it will also bring them back to the appropriate size, shape and alignment within the body.
Because the Angels are always connected to what is for the highest good for each person, they will always re-balance the size, shape and alignment that is appropriate for the client you are working with, at that moment, which may not mean that it would be what you may perceive as “correct”.
When we have relationships with anyone, we can develop energetic ties to them that can be healthy and unhealthy. The unhealthy cords will drain your energy and make it difficult for you to move on from a relationship that has ended. De-cording is a visualization which enables you to be released from these unhealthy cords between you an another person or group of people. You can also develop unhealthy cords to a place and these too, can be released.
Vow Clearing & Removal
Sometimes we make vows either in this lifetime, or in other lifetimes that no longer serve us, but because we haven’t energetically renounce and revoked these vows, they continue to remain in our energy. These vows can be formal vows taken such as poverty, marriage or celibacy, or they can be from a simple and powerfully spoken phrase such as, "I will never do______ again." Words have power, especially spoken and felt with a lot of energy behind them and / or if spoken often enough can become an unhealthy, unwanted pattern that is difficult to get free from.
Some examples of vows are: celibacy, marriage, poverty, self-denial, suffering, retribution, revenge, preventing personal power, hiding wisdom, servitude, slavery, denying self expression, power over others, not allowing others to power over you, etc.
Karma Balance
Because of the influence of past lives, we can hold the energy of karmic patterns that can hold us back from our potential. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as “bad karma”. Karma is simply lessons not learned.
We can easily balance and clear our karmic patterns with this technique, allowing us to move on from the issues that were created. Karma often involves relationships with others from past lifetimes, whom we have a close connection to in this lifetime. Our karma can involve one or many aspects of a relationship or situation that is not working, or even the whole thing.
Soul Fragment Retrieval
This is one of the most powerful exercises in this process. Sometimes when we connect with another person, whether they are still in our lives or not, we can often leave “bits” of ourselves with that person, which can leave you feeling fragmented and depleted of energy.
When this happens, you literally leave a piece of your soul with that other person. Those who have these fragments can often end up having a hold on us that is not supportive. You can also leave soul fragments in places or during certain experiences and situations. This retrieval technique can be used for situations and places where we have left parts of ourselves behind.
Releasing or Revising Soul Contracts
Soul Contracts are contracts we have created before we came into the physical in this lifetime. In that way, they are similar to vows. Where they differ is that soul contracts originate at the soul level are were put in place with the cooperation of our Angelic council to help us grow, evolve and learn certain lessons on Earth and they are always for our highest good. Vows are always created at the human level out of a space of fear.
Candice developed this technique when she found that numerous clients came to her with contracts in place that needed to be cleared as they no longer served the highest good of those involved. It is also a visualization where the client is guided into their personal Akashic records and works with their records keeper to clear or revise these contracts.
Psychic Attack Release
Whether from this lifetime or other lifetimes, we will occasionally have experiences where others have sent angry thoughts and feelings to another, whether knowingly or not. This is known as psychic attack.
This also includes when we have angry, negative thoughts about ourselves. These thoughts can become embedded in the aura or body and cause pain or other life issues. They will energetically show up as darts, knives, rocks, arrows, daggers and the like. These energetic weapons can also represent weapons from the time period in which they were placed there.
Curses are a slightly different form of psychic attack when someone wishes ill upon you or your family or friends, either intentionally via a curse, or unintentionally as a way of expressing anger or frustration.
In some cases, curses can be passed down from generation to generation until they are removed and cleared. Once cleared, all generations, past, present and future, will be cleared from a curse. Another term for a curse is a hex.
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